Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Little Girls' Dollhouse

One of my favorite recent projects is a dollhouse a friend and I made for another friend's two little girls for Christmas. We used a Lemon Twist kit I purchased on Ebay. We tried to keep costs down for the family and so this kit was very bare bones. My friend had the idea to cut our own siding from colored posterboard and it worked beautifully. After applying it, I sealed it with clear spray sealer to protect it. We used roof shingles from Jim's Printmini website and added sand and glitter to give them the texture of real asphalt shingles. It was a lot of fun to decorate a house for little girls because I could use much brighter colors than I would for one of mine. I also found Fisher Price dolls that looked like their family to make the house even more fun for the girls. My friend, Brenda, from Brenda's Miniatures, made a cat and a dog for the house. I made much of the furniture from scratch and also got several pieces from our Small World round robin swap. (Thank you to all my friends who participate in that!) The best part of all is how much the girls love their dollhouse.

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