Friday, February 20, 2009

Mini Museum

Hi everyone. I'm back from a long day of driving. Hubby had a doctor appointment 2 1/2 hours away. The appointment itself was an hour and a half long and then we had the return drive. He got a good report but there will be no actual mini-making today. Instead I'm posting some pics of the "mini museum" I set up in my house last spring for the senior citizens' group at my church. I set up all of my dollhouses like a city block on the dining room table with a gazebo in the middle (lucky for me I have a very large table!) The roomboxes were on the kitchen counter and snack bar. It was a lot of work to set up but very fun - and everything got a good cleaning. The seniors enjoyed looking at everything and several have commented on how much they enjoyed it since but I haven't yet been able to convince any of them to take up the hobby.


  1. That was very nice thing to do, De, opening your doors and inviting that group to view your minis. I am impressed.

  2. Thanks, Brenda. It was actually a lot of fun. The only disappointing thing was how quickly they looked at each thing and moved on. As a miniaturist, I have to look everything over and see if I can figure out how to make it, do it, etc. They were just impressed that someone could work with things that tiny. :-)


Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are greatly appreciated!