Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More farmhouse pics

First, I'd like to welcome Doreen to my followers. She has two blogs - one of projects in progress and one of completed work. Stop by and visit her.

I'm still working on swap items so today I'm posting some more pictures of the farmhouse. I got a partially built Real Good Toys Vermont Farmhouse, Jr. on ebay. It hadn't been put together very carefully and it was missing several pieces, mostly trim. None of that mattered as I had to make modifications anyway to make it look more like the real house. We had an enclosed front porch that was used as an extension to the living room. The porch floor and roof came with my shell and I used foamcore to build the walls. The siding on the porch is made of poster board and the front steps are a combination of wood and egg carton pieces. Even my brothers (some of my most honest critics) say the house looks very much like the real thing. The real house no longer exists so I'm glad to have the mini version. Has anyone else made a replica of a place that's important to you? I'd love to see it if you have. That's all for now - I hope you all have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog's new look, Deana. Beautiful background color!


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