Thursday, February 5, 2009

My first post!

I've enjoyed reading so many other miniature blogs that I decided to try my own. I have a large dollhouse and roombox collection. I have four Greenleaf dollhouses, one Petite Dreams Victorian, two Real Good Toys (Victorian cottage and Vermont farmhouse, jr.), one Duracraft Chelsea and two Playsteel tin lithograph houses from the 1940s. My favorite scale is 1:12 but I have done work in 1:16. In fact, my two most recent projects were both in 1:16 scale. I made a game room for my brother who customizes 4 inch action figures and I made a ham radio set up in an old radio case for my husband. My favorite things are those I've made from what I have on hand. I'm not a collector (except for the Playsteel houses). I prefer to make as much as possible. In the game room, the pool table and fireplace are made from bits and pieces I had on hand. In the radio room, the plant stand is made from scratch. The sofa is an inexpensive plastic piece that I upholstered. The radio is also scratch made. It was a collaboration between DH and me. It lights up like a real radio.
As the blog continues, I'll post more photos of past projects as well as some how-tos for current projects. I hope you'll come back again!


  1. Whoo Hoo! You did it! You are going to have so much fun blogging about your minis!

  2. Your's is the first blog I've signed up to follow. It looks fun! Maybe I'll do one, too!


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