Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here are the first photos!

I promised some pictures of my new "round thing" project and here they are. This is still very much in progress. The exterior stone work needs grout, the interior needs trim, and I have no idea how I'm doing the roof.


  1. But other than that you are good to go yeah :-)

    Looks good...you should put a penny in the pic...it looks huge but I know it isn't.

    The floor looks great....peel & stick tile huh !

    I really don't have the patience for egg carton bricks but they do look good.

  2. Thanks, Jayne! I've done egg carton brick and it is fiddly but it looks very realistic. The stone is much easier because you just tear the cardboard into rough stone shapes to fit the area you need. Not difficult at all and it actually goes very quickly.

  3. It is so hard to tear as well...think I'll stick to paperclay and just admire everyone else who can do it :-)

  4. I love the floor: what have you used for it? is it painted or plastic film? Thank you Rosanna

  5. Wow that looks cool! What are you going to put in it?

  6. Dear De: Thanks a bunch for following my blog! Can't wait to see what you come up with further for your "round thing."
    Mary, of the U.S.

  7. Thanks everyone. The floor is made of peel and stick vinyl floor tile left over from doing our real storage room floor. The building is an old storage shed that the lady of the house has turned into her craft room. I've now got the stones grouted and shutters on the windows. I'm very pleased with my work so far. I still have no clue how I'm doing the roof, though.

  8. I used egg carton for the walls of my sandstone temple as well and I agree with De, it is realistic. The ones here are really thick and I have to tear off the layers so that they stick better. Very very tedious work!

    Curious how your "round" thing is gonna turn out. Looks like a hat box?

  9. It actually started life as a large can of mixed nuts. It is about 4 inches tall and 6 inches in diameter.


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