Thursday, April 30, 2009

The country bedroom

Today's been a catch up day for household chores. The laundry piled up while I was battling the flu! So I haven't gotten to any minis today but I would like share a country style bedroom I made a couple of years ago. The quilt on the bed was the inspiration for this room. My friend, Tina, in the UK designed the quilt as a kit and needed some testers. I got to test the kit and ended up with this beautiful quilt. Tina wanted photos and I didn't have a bed on hand so I threw this one together with craft sticks. I ended up really liking it so I put it together for real and gave it a whitewash finish. The rest of the furniture in the room was made and/or finished to match. The armoire is a Michael's hutch but the rest of the furnishings were made from scratch. The vanity chair is one of my favorite items. I made it without any pattern or kit. I just used what I had on hand and I'm really happy with the result. The rug was printed onto a T-shirt transfer and then ironed onto the back side of camel colored corduroy. That gave a wonderful texture to the rug. The wallpaper came from Jim's Printminis - the colors coordinate perfectly with Tina's quilt. This room is a favorite - it looks like a place I could really be comfortable. There's even a mug of coffee and a copy of my devotional Bible on the stool next to the upholstered chair.


  1. De, what a pretty room, definitely looks comfy and a place that I too would enjoy hanging out in.
    BTW hope you are feeling better.

  2. It's an absolutely beautiful room! The quilt is fantastic. And I really like the armoire.

  3. Thank you, Deborah and Kat! And I am getting better, thanks. It's just taking awhile to get my strength and energy back but I am definitely on the mend.

  4. I could be wrong...but did you have a redesign on your blog? i like it very much!I also love the bedroom,there is so many to see,and the quilt is beautiful!

  5. Hi De,
    What a pretty room. It looks so cosy and comfortable. I love country style! I would be very happy in that little room.

  6. Thank you, ladies! Yes, I did do a redesign. The spring sunshine seemed to call for brighter colors. I think I may do seasonal redesigns just for fun. Hopefully, I don't confuse people too much.


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