Sunday, April 26, 2009

My chandelier using Casey's tutorial

I used Casey's tutorial to make this smaller version of her chandelier. I really like it. I found a round brass mounting bracket that I've painted silver to match. I'm planning to use it as a ceiling rose.
This was the clearest photo I could get. It doesn't show all of the details but you get the idea. :-)


  1. Very cool De! I can't wait to see it installed. Keep up the good work.

  2. Very cool!

    Aren't Casey's tutorials great?

  3. De, it looks awesome! I have been toying with the idea of making a chandelier as well...but I think I will hold off for now...too many other things going on...but I will make one. Hopefully mine will look as good as yours does! :-)

  4. I have to buy the beads but I already have the brass mountings. I'm coming...

  5. Thanks everyone. This one will go in the bathroom in the new dollhouse. I couldn't sleep tonight so I've finished a different style in brass for the living room. I'll post some pics at a more reasonable time. ;0)

  6. De I think you've done a great job. Casey is brilliant...


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