Friday, April 3, 2009

My turn to have a give-away drawing

Some of you may recall that Katie's only stipulation about entering her blog give-away was that the winner be willing to have a give-away, too, and keep the giving going. So, I am going to give this hand painted bench and the attached accessories away to some lucky reader. All you need to do is comment on this entry and you will be entered in the contest. Next Friday, April 10, I will draw a name from those entered to determine the winner.


  1. Such a lovely bench! The flowers are simply elegant. :-)

  2. beautiful love the bench with the flowers

  3. I'm so glad your doing this De! And what a beautiful giveaway! Don't get me wrong, I love the little bench and all, but I don't think it would be fair for me to play......I just wanted to tell you thanks for passing our 'gifts' on!!!

  4. Thank you! it is a very nice idea.

  5. This is a lovely bench and its very thoughtful of you to give it away.


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