Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Never throw anything away...

My daughter was on one of her cleaning frenzies (weeks on end of piling stuff up and then BOOM! the cleaning mood strikes, lol) and was throwing out a table top fountain that she no longer wanted. Luckily, I got to go through her rejects before they were out the door because the fountain base was the perfect size for a shallow room box. This nursery is the resulting room. It's a small project but it was so much fun! The floor is made from craft sticks. I had the wallpapers on hand but I wanted a border to divide the two. I scanned a section of the teddy bear paper into my computer and, using a card making program, designed a border using the individual elements of the wallpaper. I love how it turned out. The dresser and crib are pieces that I had finished for an earlier project and then didn't use. They fit perfectly in the shallow area. I made the shelf, diaper pail, bedding, diaper stacker and most of the other accessories from things I had on hand or printies from the internet. The baby is a Heidi Ott doll and she seems quite comfy in her little bed.


  1. De strikes again LOL :-)

    Really should show a pic of the whole thing so we can see what it is built in.

  2. This is a really cute room! Love the little mobile and the diaper holder

  3. It's cute as can be!!!!! I love it.

  4. Before I throw ANYTHING any now I am ask myself, "Can I use that in one of my miniature projects?"

  5. Very cute! I love the diaper hanger and the crib mobile!

  6. That's the last thing I would've imagined for a room box. Great job!

  7. Guess what............You are now the proud owner of a set of Pineapple dishes:) Please email me your shipping address so I can get them in the mail to you.....

  8. Yay! That's exciting! Thank you, Katie.


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