Saturday, May 16, 2009

The exterior is complete...I think

I really hate doing shingles. So I borrowed an idea from Casey and made a pattern in the shingles. That kept if from being too boring. I did not, however, cut my shingles into quarters! Tessie's Cottage looks amazing but I am not that dedicated! I used another of Casey's tips and dry brushed a lighter shade of the shingle color on the edges of the shingles.The photos don't really show it all that well but it looks really nice in real life. Thank you, Casey, for all of the tips you post on your blog.

Oh, the "I think" above is referring to the fact that I don't know if I will leave the foundation looking like concrete or if I'm going to decide it has to be bricked like the steps. For now, it will stay concrete. I really want to get started on the kitchen cabinets.
The kitchen now has a table and chairs and a few accessories. It looked too empty when the other rooms are already furnished. I used the punch out kits that came with the house but I cut off the little Mickey Mouse ear looking things on the top of the chair backs and then completely upholstered the chairs. The table is covered with a beautiful handmade tablecloth I received in a Small World swap. I can't post closer pictures yet because one member still hasn't received her package. Soon I'll post pics of all of the amazing things I got for my mini kitchen.


  1. It looks great! The shingles look really good. :-)

  2. De you've made a great job of your shingles. Casey is brilliant for sharing all her hints & tips.

  3. It looks Great De!!! I can't wait to see the up close pictures! ....and the kitchen cabinets! OK...Your starting to motivate me now...maybe I should try and finish something around here....

  4. Thanks everyone! I'll be waiting for pics, Katie!


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