Monday, May 18, 2009

It worked!

I was able to make my modifications to the upper cabinets work. The small cabinet over the sink was supposed to go over the stove at the far end of the cabinets - my stove won't fit there and I like this layout since I don't have a window over the sink. I also left off all of the doors and added glass shelves to the inside of the larger cabinets. That gives me more display room and also gives the cupboards a more contemporary look.
I got the stair surround finished, too. The glue hasn't dried in the photo but you get the general idea. :0)
The final photo is of the living room art. My hubby just celebrated 20 years with his employer and he got a couple of catalogs from which to choose his recognition gift (he chose new golf clubs, btw). One of the catalogs was of artwork, copies of several modern artists in perfectly scaled little prints. I framed a few, painted some brush strokes on with Mod Podge and they look like the owner/artist framed some of her own works for the wall. Oh, and the frames are Dollar Tree plastic stickers that come in three metallic shades. I rubbed some black paint over them to tone the metal color down a bit.


  1. The upper cabinets look great! You're right about the look being much more contemporary without the doors. I really like your banana hanger on the counter, btw.

    The stairs look awesome and the framed prints turn out fantastic!

  2. Thanks, Kat! The banana holder and bananas were made by my friend, Brenda. She actually made several things in the kitchen.

  3. Everything is now coming together nicely. This is the fun part - putting all the little things in. Those glass shelves were a neat idea.

  4. Thank you Doreen! It is my favorite part, too.

  5. Those framed prints add a lot of character to the rooms! Love the cabinets!

  6. Gorgeous kitchen! Those cabinets look great!


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