Friday, May 29, 2009

New plant

I decided to make a large snake plant (or mother-in-law's tongue) for the living room corner. My husband and I received a single blade start for a wedding gift nearly 27 years ago and it has grown into a monster over the years. It's broken through three pots and has flowered several times. I never knew that they produce flowers when they become root bound. Now I know! :-) Anyway, this is the second one of these I've made and I really like how it turned out.


  1. Very cool! It looks great in the corner too!

  2. Hi De, Your plants look great! Well done!

  3. It looks really good De. Did you make it out of masking tape? I love the paint job you did, it looks so realistic.

  4. Thank you both! Doreen, I used coffee filters for this one. I painted a different shade of green on each side. I edged the leaves with a pale yellow and added the horizontal pattern with a dark green glaze. The first one I made, several years ago, was with masking tape. I think the coffee filters look more natural and in scale.


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