Monday, May 4, 2009

Pineapples for Cora

I spent some time playing with the pineapple graphics Katie, Katie's Clay Corner, had on her blog. Katie, if you want these, you can have them for Cora's kitchen until you can get just what you want. I used the dragonfly and pineapple rug and made one (using the tissue technique) for in front of the sink and a larger one for under the table. I made the stencil into a stone-like plaque for over the door or wherever. The utensils are just for fun. Email your mailing address, Katie, if you think Cora would like these.


  1. OMG!!!! I was flipping through my blog and then I seen your picture out of the corner of my eye and about fell out of my chair! You are so awesome!!! I love them!! Even the untesils. Cora will be so impressed with that little sponge! And I'm so exicted......Thank-you..Thanks-you....thank-you!!!!

  2. Wow, De, you did wonders on those pineapple graphics! Cora and Katie are one happy duo, I tell ya.

  3. Oh my gosh! I can't wait to see these in Cora's kitchen. De you are so sweet for making these, they look fantastic.

  4. Thank you - it was fun. I like the little rug so much I might do one for my own dollhouse kitchen...if Cora wouldn't mind.

  5. De the little Rugs look wonderful Katie & Cora will Love them..

  6. Just wanted to let you know that the stuff got here ok......It's even prettier in person! We really love the rugs....I will have pictures soon! Thanks again De!! Cora was most impressed!!!


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