Saturday, May 2, 2009

A very big day!

I am just now getting the chance to post for today. It's 11:36 pm here. I started the day by helping hubby with some tree trimming - major trimming. We got a good start on it but we now have a lot of wood to cut for various family members - we don't have anything that burns wood. Our silver maple tree had 6 trunks and DH has been wanting to cut that back for a long time. I've been resisting but it is now down to 3 and looks great, or at least it will after we take care of the three trees worth lying on the ground. After we wore ourselves out with the trees, we headed to town for grocery shopping and spent way too much! I don't think hubby is gonna be allowed to go with me anymore. :0) Once we got home and got everything put away, I went to the sewing room to make some mini candles. I got out my beads and my buttons in case I needed them for candle holders...and then I spent the next six hours sorting beads! I now have them organized by color and style. I've decided two things: 1. I have way too many beads! and 2. Never again will I dump beads willy nilly into a large ziploc - cheap plastic mixed with glass. Not all of the beads were that way, thank goodness. I have several bead organizer thingies - now they are better organized.I did have time to make a rug for the new dollhouse living room. My first attempt was following George the Mini Guy's instructions but I did not like the way my rug turned out. It ended up being a good thing, though, 'cause I found a wallpaper sample I liked better than the first one. Instead of a spray sealer, I used matte Mod Podge to adhere a single ply of a tissue and then stippled another coat on the top. After it dried, I made fringe from some cream ribbon. I think it turned out really well.


  1. Wallpaper sample you say... that's a great idea. I agree, it turned out really nice.

  2. Y'know De, absolutely EVERY time I get my tiny beads out to use I manage to spill them everywhere. Once I took the lid off the container and they shot out in all directions, the kids thought it was hilarious!
    Beautiful rug!

  3. Your rug turned out well indeed! I can't wait to see it in place.

  4. You, indeed had quite a busy day! And I love the looks great!

  5. Sounds like you had a full day! The rug looks really nice. :-)


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