Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

We had a fun and relaxed Father's Day with hubby. After church I took over the grilling duties and we had burgers and corn with homemade strawberry shortcake for dessert. We paid a short visit to DH's father in the nursing home and then came home for some time in the pool. This evening we enjoyed a glass of wine by the fire on the back deck. Tomorrow it's back to work with a vengeance for hubby after this vacation week. He's travelling for work most of the week. It isn't so bad when all the kids are home on break. Hubby will probably enjoy the quiet, :-).

Father's Day is always a little tough for me since I lost my dad seven years ago. He died unexpectedly at 63 and I still miss him. We didn't always have a close relationship but in the last couple of years before he died, we'd grown closer. My husband's dad is 88 and not in good health. Since Mark and I have been together since I was 14, his parents are my second parents. Some days I like his better, ;0). This is a tough stage of life - my children are growing up and our parents are getting frail. Lots of changes...

1 comment:

  1. ...sending a big hug your way!! Father's day is rough here, too!


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