Friday, June 5, 2009

I'll be back soon!

Real life has interfered with mini-making this week. Not in a bad way but it's kept me busy. The minis I did have time to make were for swaps or contests so I can't share photos anyway, :-(. The good news is that the nautical swap I've been working on has given me some ideas for a possible new project. The dollhouse is nearly complete and I'll be ready for something new soon. This time I will have to limit myself to a room box, though. Hubby hasn't had time to get shelves up and he's two dollhouses behind, lol.

Today is my son's last day at school for the summer. Due to his health issues he was out for much of the year but he was in school for the entire last two weeks. Yay! He has the next couple of weeks to finish the last of his work and then we are free for the summer.
Here's a pic of my family since I'm always talking about them. I thought you might like to have faces for the people I write about. :-) This photo was taken last summer at our local children's zoo. Son Adam, hubby Mark, daughter Kristin and oldest daughter Megan.


  1. That's a terrible picture of me. I'm much more graceful than that.

  2. What a beautiful Family!! Can't wait to see what your next project is going to be...I love the nautical theme, too....I have a small box of goodies to make a beach house.......oneday, hehe.

  3. Beautiful family! Real life gets in my way sometimes too- especially in summer :) Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. What a beautiful family! I'm glad to hear things are smoothing out and that minis aren't taking a backseat to more unpleasantness.

    Even more happy to hear your son is doing better. :-)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. :-)

  5. Such a happy family photo! By the way, I suspect one of your children might go to UT Austin in TX?? (I noticed the orange and white nail polishes you put in the mini suitcase)! I've some friends who are attending UT Austin for thier studies.

  6. Actually, she was attending Ohio Northern University - also orange and white school colors. She's transferring for her last year tho'-I don't know what her new colors are!


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