Thursday, June 25, 2009

Making spaghetti

I found these pans at Hobby Lobby this week during the 50% off sale. I turned them into the used spaghetti prep pans. The sauce even dripped down the edge of the pan as it was poured over the spaghetti noodles.

I love the extra bit of realism they add to the kitchen. Plus it was fun to do! The spaghetti in the serving bowl was one of the ones I made for a Small World food swap - the ones with the too large noodles. I'm happier with the ones I made with the crochet thread.


  1. Very cute! I have the preparations for spaghetti and salad in my dollhouse kitchen too! Yum, spaghetti!

  2. The pan with spaghetti and water is a nice touch as it shows what cooking REALLY involves--not just beautiful final dishes, but also the the steps in 'tween.

    I went to Hobby Lobby this week 3 times because of the 50% off mini sale! Got a bunch of goodies to work with.


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