Friday, July 24, 2009

A beach cottage

I finally had some time to play today! The Small World forum just had a nautical swap and I got some beautiful things. I wanted a beach cottage to display everything and I challenged myself to use what I had on hand today to make it. This is actually just the living room and front porch of the house. The porch and siding are weather worn but welcoming. The painted wood floor in the living room is also a bit worn. You can see the beach through the windows. The little cottage is very well accessorized but I'm going to have to make some living room furniture. That will be the weekend project, I hope.
Didn't I get some lovely things? I have some very talented friends and it's so fun to display everything together.
PS Can you tell that the cottage started life as a plain, old cardboard box? I hope not!


  1. De, it looks great! I'd never have guessed it was a cardboard box! Look forward to seeing more pics.

  2. It looks great and I love the wallpaper! And how great it is to have so many talented friends!

  3. I love it! I'd never have known it stated as a cardboard box, Bravo.

  4. You really did get some beautiful little gifts! Perfect for your roombox! I love what you did with the windows and the floor! I'm hoping to make some more progress on my beach house this week. Thanks for all of your inspiration!


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