Saturday, July 11, 2009

Don't worry...

We're having some internet issues at home so I won't be online unless I'm able to use someone else's service. I may not be able to post as frequently but don't worry. I'm ok just frustrated with the satellite server. I can't wait until that contract is up. Hopefully, we can get regular wireless again. Some aspects of rural living are more inconvenient than others. :-)


  1. A mi me ha pasado lo mismo con el router, y al final despues de enfadarme muchisimo con telefonica, me lo han cambiado, y ahora parece que funciona, así que no eres la unica.
    Ya sé que no es consuelo, pero...paciencia

  2. translation for Dora's comment:
    the same with router has passed me, and in the end after getting upset to me with telephone very enormously, they have changed it to me, and now it seems that it works, so you are not the only one. I already know that it is not consolation, but… patience

    Thank you, Dora!

  3. We could only get satellite for the longest time too and I hated it. Thankfully the one we have now has the same sort of situation- it reads off a tower- but it works a bit better. I live out in the country too and I think not being able to get high speed internet is one of the few complaints I have about it. I love my rural location though- as I am sure you do too. Hope you get access soon and that you don't have to fight too much for it!


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