Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The missing kitty

Well I think I'm back with a functional internet again. During this past couple of weeks our tortoiseshell cat, Zoe, decided to explore the outdoors when Abby went out. Unfortunately, Zyla, the puppy, thought it was play time and chased Zoe who took off for the fields and hasn't been seen since. That was last Thursday. I think she's probably hiding in the weeds or the woods on our property but is too scared to come out. She's done that before but we didn't have Zyla then and were able to coax the kitty in. I'm not sure that will happen this time. My 19 year old daughter claims Zoe as "her" cat and has been in tears most every day since. Aaaagh! It's always something...


  1. Ugh. I know exactly how this feels. My kitty escaped outside once too and I was devastated. Turns out that she was in a bush right beside the front door the entire day and a half we searched for her. She was too scared to even meow when she heard us calling her name. I am saying a little prayer for her safe return to your daughter. I hope she is back soon.

  2. De I am happy about you having the internet again but so sad to hear about Zoe. Our cat Rusty got out awhile ago and we were devastated. He was only gone for about 24 hours and we found him hiding under our front portch. They get scared and are afraid to go too far away. I do hope Zoe comes home soon - maybe when he gets hungry enough he will come back.

  3. Oh dear! I'm sending good thoughts your way.

  4. I tried to comment yesterday and it wouldn't let me:( Has she come home yet?? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ya!! Big Hugs!!!

  5. Still no kitty. I'm beginning to lose hope. We're gonna try a live trap, I think, and hope that we get Zoe and not the neighbor's cat or a raccoon or opossum.


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