Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Diner Update

My future son-in-law has been here for the past two days and the guest room is my sewing room so I couldn't do much of the "construction" work I need to do on the tin. But I was able to bring a tray of stuff out to the dining room to work. I made the grill and the cabinet it's on, the fryer, the coffee maker and the milkshake machine, the food, and the coffee mugs. The cheese on the fridge was made by Gaye from My Small Obsession. I made the salad prep board a year or so ago.

Besides raising the floor on the lid and wallpapering, I still have a lot of accessories to make. Menus, napkin dispensers, condiments for each table, signs and a clock - there's probably more but that's all I can think of right now, lol. Oh, just thought of a couple more things - soda dispenser, cash register, waitress's notepad...

I found a pink vintage wallpaper for the top half of the walls. I'm going to use a black and white print from the inside of old billing envelopes for the lower half. I want a black and white tile floor, too. Once I have the floor leveled, my booths will sit better. They are level but the floor currently isn't.

The meals on the tables and counter are burgers/fries/pickle; hot dog/fries/pickle; grilled cheese/pickle; and bacon and eggs. They are all on plates made from juice carton seals. The coffee maker was made from a foam wine cork, the straws are colored paper clips. Most of what I made today came from found objects.


  1. How perfect all of your little accessories are! I knew I was saving those juice seals for some reason! :)
    I love looking at completed rooms. Especially since I'm just working on the basics! The details make all the difference!

  2. The things you have made has added so much to this diner. I have enjoyed watching its progress. Those oil stains on the wall is a nice touch.

  3. The walls actually aren't finished yet. The stains are rust coming through the primer but I thought they looked like oil stains, too. I may have to add stains to the wallpaper once I put it on.

  4. wow, it looks great so far! I am amazed at how much you make from everyday things- I keep learning from you De! Can't wait to see the wallpaper!

  5. Definitly add the oil stains!! It things like that that make it seem so real! Love the soapy water in the sink~ Not to mention your new Black sink looks great!! Love all the little things:)


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