Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm back...I hope!

Well the internet usage level is back down so I should be able to blog more regularly again. I've missed you all!

I've been dealing with some health stuff in the family and have not felt much like mini-ing. I'm hoping to get back on track this week. I just sold the last mini suitcase in my etsy shop so I need to make some more. I've also got an attic swap coming up. I've got a good idea for it. Now I just have to figure out how to execute the idea...

Thank you for hanging in there with me while I've been less available than usual. I appreciate you all so much!


  1. Hooray De! Glad you are back! I hope that things get back on track for you quickly- I can't wait to see what you all do for the swap. I was very tempted to join, but wise enough to know I would struggle with the deadline. Happy mini making!!!

  2. I do hope that all the bad stuff is behind you now and you can get back to the fun stuff. I also hope that whoever had the health issues is better. It is nice to have you back and I am looking forward to seeing the final pictures of your diner.


Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are greatly appreciated!