Saturday, August 29, 2009

Time for a change

The kids are back in school and the temperature is cooler in the evening - autumn is coming. It's already here in blogland, :-). The banner photos are all autumn themed contest entries. Henry the dog is trying to be a scarecrow but he isn't having much success scaring them away, lol. Henry won second place in the American Miniaturist contest. The other scenes didn't win any prizes but I enjoyed making them. Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. The fact that it's football season is a definite plus (Go Green Bay!)

Tomorrow we move DD#2 back to college. It was already going to be a chore but now I'm sick and K's roommate's parents won't be coming so we're going to stay long enough to get her settled in, too. It will all be good in the end and I always feel better about leaving them if I know their dorm rooms are as cozy as possible. Hubby gets to do the heavy lifting and I get to do the making it cozy part. I definitely get the better deal. :-)

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!

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