Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Have I mentioned that fall and winter are my favorite seasons?

Tomorrow I'm gonna have to do laundry but today I worked on an autumn scene. I woke up with this idea in my head and you know when that happens, you just gotta try it, lol. I'm debating whether to keep this one or list it in my etsy shop.

The sunflowers are paper with coffee "seeds." The dirt is dried tea, the apples are seed pods, the marigolds are some ugly little white flowers that I painted. The dog chewed on the wagon and it had come completely apart. I used that to my advantage and finished the aging process. I made the sign and the little birdhouse from balsa scraps. The leaves are coffee filters that I painted and then used paper punches to make the leaves.

I love the way this turned out! It's just a mini glimpse of autumn here in the country.


  1. I just luv using little bits and pieces to make a scene and yours is a fabulous way to use those! you have used a few really nice pieces as well
    That is a great scene for Autumn
    Im trying to make some sunflowers for Cora seeing as she insists she wants them in her bedroom


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