Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Invisible Illness Week is September 14-20

6 Reasons I Support Invisible Illness Week
1. Surprisingly, nearly 1 in 2 people in the USA have a chronic condition and most of them are invisible.
2. There are too many people suffering silently, believing no one cares. I want them to know I do care.
3. I will likely accidentally say the wrong thing at some point, but I still want to learn how to say what encourages someone with illness best.
4. 70% of suicides are the results of “controllable physical pain.” We never know that we may be the last person someone looks toward for hope and a reason to live.
5. Illness is one of the most lonely experiences a person can have. It doesn’t have to be that way. 6. People with illness are often bombarded with advice. I want to be a safe haven for those with illness who just need someone to listen.
And the most important reason I support invisible illness week is that all three of my children have invisible illnesses and they courageously face more challenges daily than I could ever imagine when I was a young adult. I am so proud of all three of you!
Find out more about National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week and the 5-day free virtual conference with 20 speakers Sept 14-18, 2009 at www.invisibleillness.com


  1. Hi De. I have posted on my blog about Debbie asking her friends if they would like to join in. You can find the info on my blog.
    Nikki x


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