Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pie anyone?

This is actually not all dry. The cherry pie filling will be more translucent when it's dry but you can tell what it is. The canister are filled with "flour" (cornstarch baby powder) and "sugar" (glitter). This was my first attempt at a cracked egg and it turned out fairly well. I made the table from wood scraps, the canisters from tampons. The egg basket was made by my friend, Brenda. Isn't it cute?


  1. Aww they are cute!
    I went to buy some of those tampons they were $6 I thought nawwww.... I can roll some paper up! lol
    table looks great!

  2. Looks good! I really like the rolling pin and the canisters.
    Thanks for the tips about flour and sugar too.

  3. Looks Great De!! Yum! Cherry Pie!! :)

  4. Thank you!

    Deni, I probably wouldn't have bought any just to make canisters but I had some I didn't need on hand. Better to use them for canisters than to throw them out, lol.

  5. Oh that was good then, for sure never throw anything out!!!! lol

    Thats whay I have a cupboard full of useless things ( hubbys statement) with the idea maybe for minis.......hahahaha


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