Thursday, September 10, 2009

Say hello to Kate

I had kind of a rough day so I decided to make a doll just for me. I've been wanting someone to live in Magnolia Way. I knew that I wanted a woman in her mid to late twenties. I have been better at sculpting character dolls in the past. Today Kate's face seemed to flow out from my mind onto the clay. It was a real blessing after the day I'd had. She's by far the prettiest face I've sculpted.
She's dressed up because she's having her boyfriend over for a homemade spaghetti dinner. The wine is ready to serve, the salad is on the table, the bread is ready to slice and she's just put the spaghetti into the serving bowl.

She's wearing a patterned wrap dress and bronze flats. I will try to get a better photo tomorrow.


  1. I love her dress- she looks perfect there in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on dinner. Very nice De! Hope today is better:)


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