Sunday, September 13, 2009

Well at least I was productive

It's half time of my Green Bay football game but the lovely digital TV is out more than in. My team is winning but I haven't seen much of the game. To distract myself I played with some polymer clay. I've been asked to teach some ladies how to make some floral pins next month so I needed to figure out what I want to do. I made several options and I may have a couple of options for them to choose from. I'll use the pasta machine for the real thing so the clay will be blended without obvious lines. I was working on a tray in my lap tonight so just used a roller. I also made some mini dishes with some of the scraps.

The last photo is my son with a large chunk of ice from the chest freezer. He wanted steak yesterday but couldn't get the freezer baskets out to look under them. He decided to take care of that problem - and earned some cash from his dad for his initiative, lol.


  1. Those floral poins look really lovely!
    Using left overs for dishes is a good idea, always need lotsa dishes!

  2. I'm jealous that you got to watch the Green Bay game. It did not play on a station I get. :-(

  3. Before I forget, I like your new welcome photo!! Very special way to do that!! :)

    So glad to see the polymer clay come out!! It encourages me to play with mine!! Love the colors you choose to use for the flowers, Very girlie:) Don't worry about the lines, sometimes it adds character!!

  4. I love the pins! I wish I had that chunk of ice yesterday when I was driving home for 2 hours in a car with a broken air conditioner. Please show a pic of the finished pins if you have a chance- I would really love to see them :)

  5. Nice pins! And cute sonny. My freezer has a load of ice too, sigh. Guess I'd better get a move on with that, too.

    Julie Old Crow

  6. Thanks everyone! It's certainly nice to go to the freezer and see so much space. The ice cream bars are now frozen so solid I almost can't bite into them!

  7. I don't think I'm really surprised about the freezer...


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