Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yo Ho Yo Ho...A Pirate's Life for Me

Here is how I used my last skeleton. If you look closely you can see his large gold earring and two gold teeth. He's holding a rifle in his right hand and a beer stein in his left. His parrot, Jack, sits on his shoulder. The parrot is an oversized resin bird repainted in parrot-like colors. You kind of have to use your imagination to see "parrot" but, hey, don't you have to use your imagination to see a skeleton as a pirate? :-)

I didn't have any striped fabric that was just right so I painted the fabric for his shirt. I used the sleeve from one of hubby's worn out undershirts so it's really soft and worn. I'm guessing the pirate is much more comfortable with that piece of rope as a belt than around his neck like it was when I bought him, lol.


  1. I love him De! I think his parrot friend looks perfect.

  2. Yo Ho Yo Ho! I love your pirate!

  3. LOL! He's so cool! I love his gold teeth, lol! Great idea using hubbys old shirt!

    Love the new background, too! perfect for the Fall! :)

  4. Your pirate is TOO cute! I also like your blog background. I have also been communicating with your sweet Meg and I learned how to change mine to a 3 column layout yesterday, too! I like it much better.

    I wanted to thank you for dropping by my blog and for leaving me a sweet comment about my daughter's diagnosis. I really appreciate it. I hope you will come back often. Also, please feel free to email me if you ever just want to talk or discuss anything. Meg has my email address and it is on my profile.

    I hope you have a really wonderful day!


    Teresa <><


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