Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More for the little girls' dollhouse

This furniture was kind of an experiment but I think it turned out fairly well. It's pretty sturdy so should stand up to the girls' play. The table is just a pizza saver with a wood disc glued to the top. The couch and chair frames are made from square dowel and miscellaneous wood scraps.

I also got the downstairs cleaned today. I think I could have stuffed several real sized pillows with the fur I cleaned from the floor and furniture. They are starting to shed less now that the weather has cooled down but the floors still get pretty disgusting, lol.

Hope you all had a great start to your week!


  1. hee hee- I have the same problem. My hubby thinks I am crazy to vacuum so much, until he sees me empty the canister. I love my furry babies though, so it's just part of life, right? The furniture looks great!


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