Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wedding vs. minis

Well, the past few days have been devoted to wedding planning and organizing. The wedding is still 10 months away but that time will go quickly. I put together a guest book for my daughter, using a beautiful "Once Upon a Time" scrapbook she found. You can see it here.

Today I've been working on my part of the guest list, final proofing of the invitations (designed and soon to be printed by me, :-) ) and just generally organizing all of the paperwork into something everyone can read. My quick scrawls on random pieces of paper were just not cutting it.

There will be more minis coming soon. I promise!


  1. De, it's at moments like these, I'm greatful we had a two year engagement after college, lol ;)

    There's so much to do and I didn't have a lot of help back then.

    Thank goodness, your daughter has you to help out with all of the details. :)

    I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures. :)

  2. Wedding are so much fun, and yet sometimes such a headache! Just remember when all is said and done, you will be able to look back at all the wonderful things you did to make their day more special!!!


  3. Your daughter is so lucky to have such a talented Mom to help her- I bet the wedding will be beautiful. Please share pictures if she doesn't mind us seeing! Good luck with the preperations :)

  4. Thanks everyone. Dale, we got married after my 1st year of college. I was at school, DH was in the Marine Corp. in NC. We planned the whole thing in 6 months, making joint decisions during spring break/leave. It's almost impossible to plan a wedding in that short of time now because things book so quickly. I'm having fun, though, 'cause I love weddings. And so far DD considers me to be a help rather than a hindrance (aka a pain in the tush, :0) )

  5. The thought of putting all of this together in 6 months kind of makes me want to vomit. Of course, that could be the flu talking...

  6. Aren't you glad you have your mama then, my darling? Get better!

  7. Good luck with your wedding planning. My wedding (last week) was planned in under 2 months so have faith, it can be done! Although our wedding did not involve many people, a church, any bespoke clothes... so maybe you still have a lot of work ahead of you. Have fun and enjoy it though! A-M


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