Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Two more suitcases

I left the black one that I showed you yesterday empty. The gray one in the middle is packed with men's clothing and the teal one is for a woman.


  1. What a nice collection you've made!
    Love all of the little clothes.

  2. LOVE them! I was hoping maybe after the holidays I could get you to make me a set of three suitcases in a darker brown? I have a picture in mind that I could send you. I want to spend my work bonus money on something for me this year and I love your suitcases so much- maybe we could talk about it in january? Have a great day De!

  3. They're so cute! Love the clothes you've made to go in it!!


  4. Sure, Kim, just let me know.

    Thank you, Katie!


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