Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm gonna hurt tomorrow...

Yesterday was a big day with lots of walking. We took the family to an Indianapolis Colts football game. Our seats were in what hubby calls "the nosebleed section." We were near the top of the stadium in the endzone. We could see quite well but those steps up were very steep! Unfortunately, the Colts coach chose not to play the starters for the second half and they lost. Boo! We had a wonderful time anyway but it's a 3.5 hour trip each way so we were all exhausted by the time we got back home.

Today we put a gift card from my mom to use by purchasing a Wii Fit for the family. Who knew exercise could be fun, lol. We all got at least 30 minutes of exercise today. The question now is whether anyone will be able to get out of bed tomorrow...

Casey's Michael's hutch covered in polymer clay has sparked my interest. Hopefully, tomorrow I will get a chance to play. I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. what a sweet pic of you!! I can't wait to see what you create from Casey's hutch idea- I went out and bought some liquid clay so I could play too- hopefully this weekend! Happy New Year to you De!!!

  2. Thanks, Kim! Happy New Year to you, too!


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