Thursday, December 10, 2009

More followers to welcome!

I thought I would never reach 100 followers and now I've got 107! Welcome Paquicheli and Karin F. of Mini Ramblings and Musings

As always, stop by and say hello.

I've been busy working on a scrapbook for my mother-in-law for Christmas. Using a slide reader, I scanned a box full of old slides onto my computer, printed out the photos I wanted to use, and have been scrapbooking ever since. I have 3 pages to go on the old photos. I want to add a couple of pages of current photos - my MIL's birthday and 50th wedding anniversary. My FIL is declining quickly and I want her to have a visual record of some of these last happy days.

I am hoping to experiment with silver metallic pipe cleaners yet tonight. I want to try a 1950s style aluminum Christmas tree. I will post photos of that later.

Have a good evening all.


  1. Congratulations, De! That's wonderful. :)

    I'm catching up, a bit behind here. ;)

    The nursery was adorable. :)

  2. That is a really nice gift you are making for your father and mother-in-law. I'm sure they will both love it!
    Can't wait to see your aluminum tree!
    I set my mess aside and put up a tree I found at Rite Aide today. Now I just have to get it decorated! I'll try the pipe cleaner tree later...

  3. Thank you, Dale.

    Kathi, is there something I can do to clarify the instructions? It shouldn't be so difficult, lol.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi!! Is a pleasure follow your blog, congratulations for have more than 100 followers!...


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