Wednesday, December 16, 2009

No room in the inn

So I made them a little stable. I have three different sizes of stables for my own nativities and all three are made of rough wood so I raided my scrap box last night and came up with this. It was late and I wasn't in the mood to get out the saw so if I couldn't break it over my knee and sand it smooth, I didn't use it, lol. I probably need to add some more back supports to fill it in a bit but this is how it looked last night before the glue was completely dry. I think I will dry brush some shades of brown over the wood, too, to age it. So far, so good, though.


  1. Looks great and those little people are MAGNIFICENT! We'll all be grateful if you show us how to!

  2. Thanks, Lize. I'll have to think about how to do a tutorial. I usually just start playing with lumps of polymer clay, :-).

  3. How sweet this is! I love the little figures. You made them?!
    They are perfect!

  4. Thank you, Kathi. Yes, I made the figures and the stable for my daughter. Next Christmas will be her first one as a married woman so I wanted to give her something to start her own tradition with.


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