Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pipe Cleaner Tree Tutorial Part 3

Continue to work your way up the tree. As you near the top, make the branches smaller. These smaller branches will not need cross branches.
The finished tree. Once it dries you can position the branches the way you wish and decorate your tree. This is not an original idea. This is just the way I make them now based on some instructions I found years ago. I do not know who to credit with the original tutorial. I think this makes a very realistic scale tree. Please let me see photos if you make one, too. :-)


  1. Such a beautiful little tree! I WILL post a photo if mine turns out as pretty as yours! :)
    Now I just need to go find the green chenille stems...

  2. OOOOH thank you so much for sharing how you made your tree...I will definitely be buying chenille stems...must remember to buy the bumpy stems too!


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