Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The promised pictures

Here's the promised pic of mini me in my new Christmas sweater from beepbeep of etsy. I actually had a sweater similar to this one in 1993. Isn't this one beautiful! I am so excited about it.
Another view of the living room.
Yet another view. That's mini hubby in the chair with his feet on the ottoman.
So I had kind of a rough day with some extended family stupidity. While I was in town I decided to cheer myself up with a visit to my favorite antique/consignment shop. I bought some beautiful vintage Christmas ornaments to add to my collection and I also bought this little rocking chair. It's plastic but the scale is nice for the nursery. I'm gonna leave it brown but add some pink print cushions.


  1. you have a interesting blog
    great photos

  2. De- the mini you is adorable! I love her! The rocking chair looks perfect for the room too :)

  3. De, mini you looks wonderful in that sweater! :)

    You can paint plastic, if you wanted to. ;)

  4. Thank you! Remember that she was one of my first dolls - I love her for sentimental reasons but she's not my prettiest doll, lol.

    Dale, I thought about painting it but the brown ties in the table set and if I upholster it with pale pink print cushions I think it will lighten the look.


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