Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back safely and it's still snowing

We've gotten at least two inches of new snow since it started snowing this morning. If you compare this morning's photo with this one you can see some change. The little house between the bird feeder poles is one way to measure the difference. This morning any little people living inside could still get out the top half of the doorway. Now the doorway is nearly buried. :-)

It was not a fun drive but we are home and warm. There will be some mini time coming up this afternoon. I am in serious withdrawal!


  1. It is beautiful- but no fun if you have to drive, I agree. Glad you made it home safe and sound- can't wait to see what magic you create!

  2. Glad you are home, safe, sound and warm! Thanks so much for the coffee filter tip for making flowers! I was wondering what Jayne used. I'm going to give that a try! :D


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