Monday, January 11, 2010

It's one of those days...

You know those days when you wish you'd just stayed in bed and pulled the covers up over your head? This is one of THOSE days. It started with the dog barking two hours before my alarm went off because she wanted in. She chose not to come in when hubby let her out before he left for work.

Then, the refrigerator door fell off. Yep, that's right. It fell off. Hubby says he can fix it tonight and my son helped me get it propped up there well enough to seal but I guess I won't be starting dinner early tonight 'cause I'm not opening that thing again until DH gets it fixed.

So, if you don't see me later today it's because I'm hiding under the covers, lol.


  1. oh no! I hope your day gets better De! Hope you have something in the cupboards to snack on for the day!

  2. It fell OFF? Please tell me you have a picture. It seemed fine yesterday.

  3. Sorry you're having a bad day, De! Just stay snug under those covers, certainly the weather for it. Take a cup of cocoa and a good book with you! :)

    - Grace

  4. I never heard of a fridge door falling off! I hope your day gets better!

  5. Sorry, Meg, no pictures. First the bottom hing came undone and then the door fell off into Adam's hands. Luckily, no broken jars or anything.

  6. If I take my pillow, I can come into bed with you?? also I like to sleep so the morning, when I do not want to do anything! There are days that are born crooked .. leave them to die and tomorrow will be a new day! the fridge can be repaired, the dinner will be frugal but just fill the belly ... The most important thing is to be in good health ...
    kisses, Caterina

  7. I kind of feel bad that when I picture this I can't stop laughing.

  8. It's all better now. It only took a few minutes of my hubby and son working together to get everything put back together.


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