Thursday, February 11, 2010

I love my mailman!

Today was a great day for mail - I got all three packages I've been waiting for. The first was the kits to make these chairs to go with the table I made for a customer. The Chrysbon Duxbury chair looks just like her real ones. I'm really happy with the finished chairs and now I can get them mailed to my wonderfully patient customer. :-)
The second package was the order from HBS that I used my birthday money for. Part of it was this outhouse. It came unfinished but I gave it that silvery, gray finish that wood ages to when exposed to the elements. The Jensons are very happy to have their "necessary" ready for use.

The third package was the Small World garden swap. Not everyone has their package so I'm only gonna share this adorable little bunny. It looks like he's knocked down one of Rebekah's precious plants so he'd better be careful.


  1. I love those chairs. Did you paint them or do they come in that color? I've never tried Chrysbon, but those look exactly like my dining room chairs as well!

  2. Oh I almost forgot! I love the outhouse. Now you just need a tiny Sears and Roebuck cataloge hanging from a string!

  3. I'm sure the Jensons's are quite 'relieved' to have their outhouse! And I do love those wonderful chairs and table. I would love Ray's wonderful table and chairs for my log cabin but they are a bit out of my budget just now! And I am so hoping we get to go to the Tom Bishop show tomorrow but they are calling for snow here and through Atlanta!


  4. De- I think your customer is going to absolutely love that table and chairs- they are gorgeous! I love the little outhouse- reminds me of when we would go to the cabin when I was a kid! You need some Sears catalog pages on the walls :)

  5. Thanks everyone. The chair kits base color was a light tan. I used the Chrysbon brown stain first (comes with the kits) and then made them look worn with a lighter glaze in some spots and a darker glaze in others.


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