Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Inside additions

James has also been busy inside, adding storage to their tiny home. (I guess that's why he hasn't gotten any wood chopped yet!) First, there's the shelf over the window which holds the home canned goods. (The liquid in the jars isn't dry yet.) The jars have rounded rims which look like the glass jars with wire bails to seal them. I added a clear plastic punch out lid and made the wire bails from thin wire. When dry you'll see 2 jars of green beans, 1 of carrots, and 1 of beets.
Then there's the peg rack by the fireplace. The broom hangs there.
And, finally, there's a shelf/peg rack combination over the bed. That gives storage for nightwear, boxes, etc. (All still to be made.) You can also see the inside of the door latch. When the latch string on the outside is pulled, the latch lifts so that the door can be opened. When you are inside and want to "lock" the door, you simply pull the latch string inside.


  1. It looks so cozy, Deana! I love the fireplace, and the peg racks and the front door with the string-latch are great touches. (Is that a bundled up baby lying on the bed? I can't tell.)

    - Grace

  2. Yes, it's a baby. She's lying on the bed because her cradle hasn't come in the mail yet. Oops, or because her dad hasn't finished making it yet, lol.

  3. oh I luv your little log cabin!
    Like the feeding the chickens pic!
    Reminds me of my youth I had to feed the chickens all 400 of them! lol


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