Sunday, February 21, 2010

Last details

I'm taking the cabin to our church Talent Night tonight and I wanted something to put on the shelf over the bed before the public display. I made these two Shaker style boxes to give Rebekah a little more storage and to add some color to the cabin. The tops and bottoms are just oval Woodsies and the rest of the sides and lids are made of brown cardstock. After gluing everything together, I dry brushed the paint over the top.


  1. I'm sure everyone will LOVE your little cabin! Have fun at the talent night. Wish I could come along!

  2. Wonderful little touches, indeed! I'm so jealous that your cabin came together so quickly and mine is still in the beginning construction phase!


  3. Thank you both! Jody, your cabin will be worth the wait. I can't wait to see what you do with it. :-)

  4. what a great idea- they look fantastic De!

  5. De, I think your cabin came out just fantastic...I bet you got lots of oooohs and aaaaaahs over it last night!
    BTW there is a little bit of Sunshine for you over on my blog! =D


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