Friday, February 5, 2010

One of the first things he said...

When hubby got home this afternoon and saw all that I'd accomplished on the cabin, one of the first things he said was "pioneers wouldn't have been able to afford a glass window like that." Of course, we know that I'd already said that but he didn't, lol. So I fixed it. I turned it into a paned window like I mentioned earlier. I like it better this way...and it's more realistic for a pioneer cabin. They may have had to collect the panes over a period of time but they have them in now. :-)


  1. Wow, Deana, as usual you're just flying along with your project! It looks great, I love the dark stain you've done on it. Like the window, too. I remember in the Little House books that I loved so much as a kid, Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote about the glass window that her father was so proud to finally buy for their cabin after saving for years for it. I think she said they used oiled paper in the window until then. So it seems like a fitting crowning touch for your mini cabin!

    - Grace

  2. That's what I was thinking about, too, Grace. I didn't want to use paper though so I figured they just collected a pane at a time.

  3. I'm loving your cabin! Jerry is supposed to work on mine today while I'm at work--let's hope this happens! I feel he needs to be racing against time before hay cutting season starts! I've also got to finish Joanna's long-neglected house! So much to do.


  4. Thank you, Jody. You are on limited time being married to a farmer, lol. All of the rest of life revolves around planting and harvest. I'm a farmer's daughter, can you tell?


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