Thursday, February 4, 2010


I still have work to do on the actual cabin but I spent some time playing with leftover logs to make some furniture this morning. It needs sanded and stained but I'm happy with the results. I am trying to decide whether I want to string the bed to support the mattress or take the easy way out with slat supports.


  1. Love it! My hubby is working on my cabin but it will be quite a while before I can post any progress! I am working on upholstering furniture and learning as I go.


  2. I would love to see how you string the bed if you decide to do it that way. I've been wanting to learn how to make my own beds and I love the old timey look of the string supports.

  3. Strings! Do strings! I want to see how that's done! :D

  4. Sorry ladies but I cheated and did cross supports instead. I'll try the stringing the next time I make a bed. Cross my heart. :-)


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