Friday, February 26, 2010

Spring is coming...really!

To remind myself of that I made this spring themed hutch today. The hutch itself is a sanded, painted and glazed Michael's hutch. It's pretty but what I think makes it special is the hand painted "china" displayed in it. The plates and platter started life as those plastic seals that come out of milk and juice cartons. I painted the yellow flowers and green stripes and then sealed with a scrapbooking dimensional product to give them a china like finish. On top of the hutch is a glass bead vase of hand made daffodils and a ribbon trimmed basket of rocks "collected from vacation spots." I also added clear plastic "glass" to the upper doors. I love the warm and sunny feel of this hutch.


  1. It's beautiful, De! Very cheerful.

    - Grace

  2. looking great De
    I luv it
    Those Michaels hutches are fabulous aren't they
    What a clever idea using the lids for the plates

  3. So pretty! I love your "china!"
    I've been seeing robins here lately and a few daffodils too. Maybe spring is coming!? :)

  4. You did a super job, especially on those plates! They do not look like seals to me at all.

  5. It is so pretty and springy! But I am not sure I believe you that spring is coming! LOL! I see signs of it---they are pruning the peach trees and daffodils are blooming but yet they are calling for more winter weather Tuesday here! Yuck!


  6. What a fabulous job you did painting the dishes- they are adorable! Spring is coming whether winter likes it or not. It's coming and winter just better watch out! Have a sunny day De!!!!


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