Thursday, March 25, 2010

All but the furniture

I love how the brick exterior turned out~It looks so much more elegant than the overscale siding that was scribed into the front.
You can't see in the photo but the parlor and the bedroom both have borders at the ceiling level. I have several of the finished quarter scale room sets of furniture that my friend gave me. I am working on personalizing those now.


  1. And to think you thought you were gonna have trouble with this scale!!! It looks fantastic! =D

  2. La casa es muy bonita, estoy deseando verla, decorada, seguro que le queda muy bien.
    Un abrazo Carmen

  3. De- it looks incredible- I love the brick too. I think it will be a long while before I ever try a scale this small- well done!

  4. Thank you all! :-)

    Kim, it was a little fiddly and you have to opt for more impression than reality (hard for me to do sometimes, lol) but it wasn't difficult. I still have to do window treatments and I'm going to have to make some of the furniture. I guess we'll see how that goes, ;). I am gluing the furniture in place as it does not stay put at all on its own.


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