Friday, March 5, 2010

Half scale dining set

I'm sorry for the blurry photo. I was in a hurry to take the picture and didn't take the time to get the tripod. This little country cottage style kitchen table and chairs set was made with more of the fancy toothpicks, regular round toothpicks, a tongue depressor, a wooden name stick from the Flat Top Grill and a perfectly sized scrap piece for the table top. Once again I scanned and reduced 1:12 and 1:16 patterns to get the dimensions for half scale. The gingham paper under the furniture is the wallpaper I'll be using in the kitchen. I don't decorate much with blue and white in my real house but I love the fresh look of that color combination. The half scale house will be done all in blues.


  1. you are zipping along! The house will be full before it's deliverd :) They look awesome De! I really like the checkered wallpaper too!

  2. So cute! You just seem to have the knack for creating such pretty little things from everyday items and so quickly! I am slow, sadly! LOL!


  3. Love this! I love blue and white too!

  4. Thank you all!

    Jody, my favorite mini projects are those made from miscellaneous bits of "stuff."

  5. Thats amazing Im having enough trouble with the 1/12 scale.......
    They are really great!

  6. Thank you,Deni. I am really enjoying the challenges of this project. It's just fun to do something different, too.


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