Monday, March 8, 2010

I did get the house today! I did! I did!

Here it is all taped together so I can see how I want to lay the rooms out. I can fit both the bathroom and the laundry room in the third floor and still have the third room. I'm not sure what I'll do with that yet. (Sorry about the crooked wall downstairs. I didn't realize it had fallen over until I saw the photos.)
The middle room will be a home office/study. I need to make the refrigerator and all the cupboards for the kitchen. The living room needs an entertainment center, coffee table and end table.
I have some tile paper I will use to cover the elevated area around the toilet and to enclose the tub/shower area. I will probably tile the bathroom floor, too. The laundry room will just need a table for folding and a shelf over the appliances for soap and other supplies.
The range started as a basic printie from Jim's Printables. I embossed the burners, added bead knobs, toothpick handles, and dimensional accent gloss to the oven door to make it look like black glass.
I turned these printies inside out and made all my own knobs. I used an embossing tool to make the doors look more realistic.


  1. you will probably have this house finished by week's end! And I can't believe these are printies!


  2. Great house and I am amazed at what you did with the embossing tool!

  3. Thank you all!

    Jody, it's so tiny that I probably will have the house built, painted and papered but I still have a lot of furniture to make so that's gonna take awhile.

    Printies can be embellished to look very realistic. In my 1970s house that I did to look like the farmhouse I grew up in, I used printies to make the kitchen cabinets and to make a copper toned range. And since it's just cardstock, the embossing tool works very nicely to add detail.

  4. I think this house is the same as Bernard the Bear's house! You work so fast!! I just recently decided to re-do the kitchen with chipboard because the scale is so small everything I built out of wood looked horrible. I never thought of looking for printies! I am always learning new things from you De!! Thank you!!!

  5. You are welcome, Kim, but thank you for your sweet comments. :-)


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