Sunday, March 14, 2010

I think I'm cross-eyed now

The utility shelf in the laundry room is no longer empty. (I still have plenty of room for more if I want later, though.) I made everything with a chopstick, some polymer clay and some downloaded labels. I also used some glue and Mod Podge, paint, and a bit of plastic wrap for the toilet paper.
The spray bottles were the most challenging but they turned out really well.
This room is basically finished now. I will probably add more later but it looks complete.

Stay tuned - I have a "leather" couch made of polymer clay in the oven now. If it turns out well it will go in the office.


  1. Looks great, De. :)

    How about a sock on the floor? that would be my laundry room, lol!

    Looking forward to seeing the couch.

  2. Te esta quedando genial!!!!, las botellas de aerosol te han quedado perfectas, enhorabuena.
    besitos ascension

  3. Wow! I bet you are practically cross-eyed! This looks wonderful--very realistic.


  4. Thank you all!

    Translation: He's running great !!!!, spray bottles you have been perfect, congratulations.
    besitos ascension

  5. Wow!!! It looks fantastic--I hope you got that magnifier out by now :) This is turning out to be such a sweet house De!


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