Friday, March 19, 2010

The Potting Shed

Caterina asked for some closer photos of the garden center that I made in a watering can. I had been collecting garden themed items for awhile (my mom gave me a lot of it) and just couldn't figure out what container to use. I was really excited when I thought of the watering can because it's unique and very inexpensive.This was my first real attempt at landscaping. These photos don't show it but I've since added a resin pond at the back of center (behind the handle.) The bags on either side of the path are river rocks (aquarium gravel) and mulch (dried tea).
An online friend sent me some great printies to use to stock the shelves. There are also lots of pots, tools, watering cans, bird houses, straw hats, seeds, and various lawn ornaments.
Most of the plants are outside. The little signs indicate prices.
The floor was made with styrofoam and covered with wood finished paper.
I even used some broken pots to make the planters next to the steps.


  1. Que bonita!!!!
    Me encanta, el colorido y todos los detalles tan bien hechos, enhorabuena.
    besitos ascension

  2. I love this! You are so creative! :)

  3. This has got to be my favorite of all! Thanks so much for showing more photos. You've done a wonderful job!

  4. Oh Dee - this is fantastic. I love it. I just did a garden shed T2T project and I would love to extend it it into something more. Yours is great and I love the watering can. I also want to try making some flowers and your scene really inspires me to try something like that. Do you by any chance have any more of those printies? I have some but not many.

  5. thanks De, you were very kind, the potting shed is beautiful and rich in detail, now I see it very well!
    good weekend!!

  6. Doreen, I think I still have some of them. Can you email me your mailing address? I can send you some of them. I love your trash to treasure potting shed and can't wait to see what else you do.

  7. I sent my address in an e-mail to the address posted on your blog and it was returned to me as undeliverable. My e-mail address is

  8. This is just so cute! What a lovely idea to use a watering can.

  9. Thats fantastic
    I was going to build one of those and even had the plan and the watering can!
    I think my hubby used it watering real plants so it never got sown I luv yours!

  10. Thank you!

    Doreen, that's the correct email so I'm not sure what's going on. I will try emailing you first to see if we can connect.

  11. Printies!!! did someone mention Printies??
    Luv Printies! lol


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